Shopify Store Audit

Shopify Store Audit gives you a more detailed understanding of your Shopify business. With improved time and resource planning, we can accelerate the implementation of our improvement suggestions and optimize the profitability of your business. This transparency makes business decisions easier to make.

With the Shopify Store Audit, it is very easy to support online shop operators in analyzing the efficiency and return on investment of the shop. Powerful tools can identify potential weaknesses in design, SEO, and customer service, allowing owners to optimize their websites.

Sale price

Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout

Connect your WordPress WooCommerce store with the Kaufland API to enable accelerated ordering and delivery processes. Access Kaufland's customer data and orders automatically, increasing your efficiency.

Shop size (sales): Less than €1,000 a day

Shop size (sales)

Our tip

Particularly suitable for companies whose products or services are not suitable for social ads or offline advertising

Our hint

Not suitable for companies or service providers with a small advertising budget who are just starting out and do not want to expand

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